Aurora Prime Strategy

Earn Strong And Consistent Returns

About Aurora Prime

We specialise in forex trading strategies. Our most popular trading strategy is the Aurora Prime strategy. It includes EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, and many other major forex pairs, as well as precious metals like Gold and Silver. First launched in 2021, the strategy has generated more than 84.1% in total returns, in just two years.

Why Choose Aurora Prime

Aurora Prima is the preferred choice for traders seeking consistent returns.

Consistent Returns

Our copy trading strategy has a proven track record of delivering consistent returns. Our team of experienced traders and advanced algorithms work together to identify profitable opportunities and execute trades with precision. By following our strategy, you can tap into our expertise and increase your chances of success.

Risk Management

We prioritize risk management as a fundamental aspect of our trading strategies. Our approach is designed to mitigate risks and protect your investments. Through careful market analysis, and the application of robust risk management protocols, we aim to safeguard capital whilst still focusing on returns.

Great Track Records

Our copy trading strategy boasts a remarkable long-term track record without a single losing month. This impressive achievement showcases the effectiveness and reliability of our trading methodologies. With Aurora Prime, you can trust in our ability to generate positive results and navigate market fluctuations.

Comprehensive Support

Our aim is to empower traders with valuable insights and foster a collaborative environment At Atlas Horizon, we provide traders with a wealth of information similar to that available at investment banks and hedge funds. This includes detailed economic and market analysis, as well as the opportunity to join our Telegram community.


How It Works

The easiest way to get started is with Blackridge Capital Management.
Simply open an account, add some funds, and copy our trades.

Open Account

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Start Trading

Get access to one of our strategies and start trading.

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Recent reviews from our copy trading clients.



Do you have questions? We’re happy to help.

Atlas Horizon is a trading strategy provider. They offer copy trading services in partnership with select forex brokers and hedge funds. They are an international company with representatives in London, Dubai, Johannesburg, Sofia, Budapest, Bucharest, and other cities worldwide.

The Aurora Prime trading strategy includes EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, and many other major forex pairs. It also includes many precious metals like Gold and Silver.

This strategy uses an AI-powered trading system. The AI system can continuously learn from market data and adjust the trading strategy to optimize performance. This learning capability allows it to identify patterns and market trends that may not be immediately apparent to human traders, providing an edge in the market. 

We use high-frequency trading and arbitrage trading techniques. High-frequency trading involves using sophisticated algorithms to execute trades at a rapid pace. By doing this, we can take advantage of small price discrepancies that may exist in the market for only a brief period.

Contact Us

Atlas Horizon

Atlas Horizon is a trading strategy provider dedicated to revolutionizing the industry. It was founded by a team of seasoned professionals with over 40 years of combined experience in quantitative analysis, investment banking, and hedge fund trading.

MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00, SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00